Add comments

How to empower readers to engage with your content?

Wowchemy supports the following comment providers:

  • Twitter and other social networks
    • Option 1: Readers can comment by clicking one of the Page Sharing links such as the Twitter link
    • Option 2: Tweet your page and add a [Comment]( link at the end of the page, referencing your tweet URL. Readers can then comment in the Twitter thread and react by liking or retweeting. You can also embed the Tweet at the end of the article (see Content > Page Elements).
  • GitHub Discussions via Giscus
    • great solution if you expect your readers to have a GitHub account
  • Commento
    • privacy focussed with support for threaded Markdown comments
  • Disqus
    • widely adopted but not particularly minimal and may contain adverts

You may also add your own comment provider by overriding the comments file with the code from your provider.

To configure the provider, open config/_default/params.yaml, scroll down to the comment section, and set the provider to the one you wish to use, giscus, disqus or commento:

    # Choose a provider: giscus, disqus, commento, or '' to disable commenting
    provider: ''
      repo: ''
      repo_id: ''
      category: ''
      category_id: ''
      theme: preferred_color_scheme
      language_code: en
      mapping: pathname
      # Paste the shortname from your Disqus dashboard.
      shortname: ''
      # Show comment count in page header? (true/false)
      show_count: true
      # If you self-host Commento, enter your custom Commento URL here.
      url: ''

For Disqus, copy your shortname from your Disqus admin panel and paste it in the Disqus config section shown above.

For Giscus, get your parameters from the Giscus site.

Choose where users can comment

To enable commenting on a page, add the following to the page front matter:

commentable: true

Alternatively, use Hugo’s cascade feature in config.yaml to automatically apply your commenting preferences to a collection of pages.
