Create a blog post


Add, edit, and remove blog posts with the built-in blog post editor:

Manage your blog posts in the Wowchemy CMS.
Manage your blog posts in the Wowchemy CMS.

Command line

To create a blog/news article:

hugo new  --kind post post/my-article-name

Then edit the newly created file content/post/ with your full title and content.

Hugo will automatically generate summaries of posts that appear on the homepage. If you are dissatisfied with an automated summary, you can either limit the summary length by appropriately placing <!--more--> in the article body, or completely override the automated summary by adding a summary parameter to the front matter, for example:

title: my blog post
date: 2021-01-01
summary: A summary of my post for previews and search engines.

Want to add comments? Code snippets?

Head on over to the Page Features page.

Want to add a gallery? Math? Videos? Spoilers?

Head on over to the Page Elements page.
