👑 Testimonials

Show a statement from a customer as an endorsement to other potential customers.

Include the customer avatar, name, social username, social link, and their statement.

👑 Unlock this block

Sponsor this open source movement to add this block to your site


To add this block to your homepage, copy the below YAML configuration for this block into the existing sections on your homepage at content/_index.md.

Alternatively, to create a new page with this block, copy the full YAML front matter below into a new file such as content/hello.md.

title: My page
type: landing

  - block: testimonials
      title: Testimonials
      subtitle: What our customers have to say about us
        - name: Geo
          username: '@geo'
          # Image path relative to assets/media/ folder
          image_filename: tweets/GitHub.png
          link: https://wowchemy.com
          text: Awesome!
        - name: Bob
          username: '@bob'
          image_filename: tweets/GitHub.png
          link: https://wowchemy.com
          text: Love it!


Learn how to customize the block design, such as the background, padding, or even applying your own custom styles.
