
Showcase your skill set and hobbies.


Showcase your skill set and hobbies with the Skills block.
Showcase your skill set and hobbies with the Skills block.

For example, the following options can be added to your section front matter in order to include the Skills block:

title: My page
type: landing

  - block: skills
      title: Skills
      text: ''
      # Choose a user to display skills from (a folder name within `content/authors/`)
      username: admin
      columns: '1'

Then edit your skills in your user profile. The default user profile is named admin and can be edited at content/authors/admin/

In the following example, we create two groups of skills, Technical and Hobbies. You can create as many groups of skills as you like and color them differently using the color and color_border options, as seen under the Hobbies group below.

You can optionally add an icon for each skill. Choose an icon from the huge Font Awesome library, add your own custom SVG icon, or just show an emoji! Learn more in the Icon guide.

  - name: Technical
    - name: Python
      description: ''
      percent: 80
      icon: python
      icon_pack: fab
    - name: Data Science
      description: ''
      percent: 100
      icon: chart-line
      icon_pack: fas
    - name: SQL
      description: ''
      percent: 40
      icon: database
      icon_pack: fas
  - name: Hobbies
    color: '#eeac02'
    color_border: '#f0bf23'
      - name: Hiking
        description: ''
        percent: 60
        icon: person-hiking
        icon_pack: fas
      - name: Cats
        description: ''
        percent: 100
        icon: cat
        icon_pack: fas
      - name: Photography
        description: ''
        percent: 80
        icon: camera-retro
        icon_pack: fas


Learn how to customize the block design, such as the background, padding, or even applying your own custom styles.
