Page Collection

List your content such as blog posts, events, podcasts, videos, and publications. Choose from multiple built-in views (layouts) to display your content or create your own personalized view.

List your content such as recent blog posts.
List your content such as recent blog posts.


General options

How can I position sections, add backgrounds, and personalize the layout?

Check out the Page Building guide.

Block-specific options

Edit the front matter of a section to configure the view and other options, such as the folders to display content from, shown below:

title: My page
type: landing

  - block: collection
    id: posts
      title: Recent Posts
      subtitle: ''
      text: 'Check out my recent blog posts below!'
      # Choose how many pages you would like to display (0 = all pages)
      count: 5
      # Filter on criteria
        # The folders to display content from
          - post
        author: ""
        category: ""
        tag: ""
        publication_type: ""
        featured_only: false
        exclude_featured: false
        exclude_future: false
        exclude_past: false
      # Choose how many pages you would like to offset by
      # Useful if you wish to show the first item in the Featured widget
      offset: 0
      # Field to sort by, such as Date or Title
      sort_by: 'Date'
      sort_ascending: false
      # Choose a listing view
      view: compact
      # Choose single or dual column layout
      columns: '1'

Custom sorting

Hugo requires page parameters which are not built-in to Hugo to be prefixed with Params. when accessing them.

Hugo’s built-in parameters include the page’s Title and Date published - you can find the full list in Hugo’s documentation on page variables. They can be referenced directly in the sort by option, for example, to sort by a page title: sort_by: 'Title' .

Therefore, if you wish to sort by a non-Hugo parameter, such as an event’s date, set the sort by option to sort_by: 'Params.time_start' .

The See All link appears when you have more content than specified in the count option above. For example, if you choose to show only 5 blog posts but you have 100 blog posts in your archive at post/, a See All link will appear.

You can hide/show the link, change the text, or change the link itself by setting the archive options in your widget front matter:

    enable: true
    text: See all blog posts
    link: post/


There are multiple sections in the Academic Resume template that use the Pages widget. These include the Blog Posts, Publications, and Events/Talks sections.
