Experience & Education

List your professional experience or education on a timeline.

With the Experience widget, you can list your professional experience or education on a timeline.
With the Experience widget, you can list your professional experience or education on a timeline.

How do I add my organisation logos? Simply add the company logo option, such as company_logo: my-logo, to an experience entry where my-logo references an SVG image at assets/media/icons/brands/my-logo.svg. Check out the Markdown widget example of adding these logos to an Experience widget.

Add your experience by editing the front matter of home/experience.md. For example:

widget: experience
headless: true  # This file represents a page section.

# Put Your Section Options Here (title, background, etc.) ...
title: My Experience
weight: 10 # The position of section on page

# Date format
#   Refer to https://wowchemy.com/docs/getting-started/customization/#date-format
date_format: Jan 2006

# Experiences.
#   Add/remove as many `experience` blocks below as you like.
#   Required fields are `title`, `company`, and `date_start`.
#   Leave `date_end` empty if it's your current employer.
#   Begin/end multi-line descriptions with `>-`.
  - title: 'CEO'
    company: 'GenCoin'
    company_url: ''
    company_logo: my-logo  # Optional logo
    location: 'California'
    date_start: '2017-01-01'
    date_end: ''
    description: >-
        Responsibilities include:
        * Analysing
        * Modelling
        * Deploying
  - title: 'Professor'
    company: 'University X'
    company_url: ''
    company_logo: my-logo  # Optional logo
    location: 'California'
    date_start: '2016-01-01'
    date_end: '2016-12-31'
    description: 'Taught electronic engineering and researched semiconductor physics.'
The use of >- in the above front matter example is a YAML configuration syntax that enables us to easily write multi-line content in the front matter.