
List your accomplishments including certificates and courses attended.

List your accomplishments including certificates and courses attended.
List your accomplishments including certificates and courses attended.

Logos can be added in SVG format to your media/icons/brands folder, named accordingly to the brand (lowercase and replacing spaces with underscores). For example, add a logo for an organization named “My Brand” as media/icons/brands/my_brand.svg. Three popular Accomplishment brands are included automatically to help you get started.

Add your accomplishments by editing the front matter of home/ For example:

widget: accomplishments
headless: true  # This file represents a page section.

# Put Your Section Options Here (title, background, etc.) ...
title: My Experience
weight: 10 # The position of section on page

# Date format
#   Refer to
date_format: Jan 2006

# Accomplishments.
#   Add/remove as many `item` blocks below as you like.
#   `title`, `organization` and `date_start` are the required parameters.
#   Leave other parameters empty if not required.
#   Begin/end multi-line descriptions with `>-`.
  - organization: Coursera
    organization_url: ''
    title: Neural Networks and Deep Learning
    url: ''
    certificate_url: ''
    date_start: '2018-10-01'
    date_end: ''
    description: ''
  - organization: edX
    organization_url: ''
    title: Blockchain Fundamentals
    url: >-      
    certificate_url: ''
    date_start: '2018-03-01'
    date_end: ''
    description: 'Formulated informed blockchain models, hypotheses, and use cases.'
  - organization: DataCamp
    organization_url: ''
    title: 'Object-Oriented Programming in R: S3 and R6 Course'
    url: ''
    certificate_url: ''
    date_start: '2017-07-01'
    date_end: '2017-12-21'
    description: ''